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Eco friendly startups that are trying to cut plastic

Even though we know the harms of plastic. We still use it because , we have needs. From a cover to hold chocolate to home furniture . We use it everywhere. Covers , bags , Slippers , plates , chairs , ropes , toys and in our all daily usage products , It’s at everywhere. 

No matter how we think of , unless we find better alternatives. We can’t stop plastic usage . There so many initiatives from govt and private sector.

In this lets go through such startups ,which are working for  eco friendly life style.

Table of Contents

1. Zero Circle

Zero circle is a startup in research and development of biodegradable plastic alternatives made using seaweed.

They developed plastic alternative for food packaging , which just looks like plastic . These products exhibit Anti-leakage, transparency, flexible and easy to carry just like plastic.

The cool thing is, we can eat this plastic once after used. And will gets breakdown in soil within weeks of disposal.

click here to know about Zero Circle

2.Bamboo India

Bamboo India is startup to produce plastic alternative products using Bamboo. The main focus is to make Bamboo Tooth Brush. 

Do you that the first plastic tooth brush ever used is somewhere still on this earth . because plastic don’t get long time to get degradable.

There are more than 150 million toothbrushes are thrown away every year in india itself.

All toothbrushes still exists since they started in 1938.

After 2017 , india declared Bamboo as plant. So that one can plant in large scale and cut based on needs.

click here to see Bamboo India products.


3. Neemans

Neemans is a statup based on shoe and slippers manufacturing from Hyderabad. They introduced shoes which are made using recycled plastic bottles . And also slippers made using tyre rubber.

Click here to visit Neemans website.

2. Incredible Eats

Incredible Eats: Revolutionizing Sustainability with Edible Cutlery.
Incredible Eats is a startup founded by Dinesh Tadepalli. With a passion for sustainability and a mission to reduce single-use plastics.

The company’s flagship product is their edible spoons, which are not only functional but also delicious!
Traditional plastic spoons, forks, and knives contribute to landfills and harm marine life. Incredible Eats recognized this problem and decided to take action.

By creating edible cutlery, they are not reducing plastic waste. But also offsets 200% of the carbon and plastic produced during production and shipping.

Visit Official site of Incredible Eats


3. Neemans

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Neemans is a statup based on shoe and slippers manufacturing from Hyderabad. They introduced shoes which are made using recycled plastic bottles . And also slippers made using tyre rubber.

Click here to visit Neemans website.





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