Buggy Race 2024

Installation of Ubuntu 22.04

ROS is developed based on Ubuntu , So it is recommended for all participants to install Ubuntu 22.04.

If you have windows installed , you can dual boot by doing partitions or you can use Virtual Box . But it is recommended to dual boot.

Installation of BuggyRace Setup

To install the BuggyRace competition source files and required software, Download the below bash file Download File

After downloading the above file . You need to run below command(bash file) in your ubuntu terminal.

					bash ~/Downloads/buggy_race_install.bash

By running the bash file . you are asked to enter your password , now the installation starts.

If you get the above screen , Please run the below command

					rosdep update

After running above command (bash ~/Downloads/buggy_race_install.bash)  , You can see that BuggyRace folder is added to home folder. If you don’t find the BuggyRace folder added to home directory . Then run the bash file again

If the folder structure is not like the above image. Run the below commands

					cd ~/BuggyRace

					source ./install/setup.bash
					colcon build

After running commands . You can observe the BuggyRace folder with the struBy this , the installation of software pack is completed. 

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