Buggy Race 2024

Running of software pack

Running of Software pack

In this page , You can learn about how to run software pack , after running commands in this page , you can observe competition environment.

Command to launch world(opening Gazebo)
					cd ~/BuggyRace
					source ~/BuggyRace/install/setup.bash
					ros2 launch virtual_world robot_car_bringup.launch.py

By Running the above command , gazebo BuggyRace Environment opens. It opens track and buggy 

Command to move buggy

on a different terminal , run below commands.

					source ~/BuggyRace/install/setup.bash
					ros2 run line_follower follower

By Running the above command , the buggy starts to move.

Command to communicate with camera
					source ~/BuggyRace/install/setup.bash
					ros2 run line_follower detect

By Running the above command ,  the camera data is published to the buggy.

Make sure that all three commands run in BuggyRace Folder.

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